
24道风味丨香煎春三宝 雨水时节唤醒春天的味蕾


作者:王一宁 国慧贤 宋基金 刘玉良

2024-02-19 07:01:02


齐鲁网·闪电新闻2月19日讯 随着春雨的滋润,大地开始苏醒,万物生长。雨水时节,春三宝正当季。

As the spring rain is soaking into the soil, the earth is awakening from its long winter sleep and all things grow. It's the perfect time to have the pan-fried three spring treasures at Rain Water.


Chop up the prepared Silene conoidea L., crowndaisy chrysanthemum and spring bamboo shoot. Mince the shrimps into ground meat


Add the chopped vegetables to the minced shrimps and stir well


Add in salt, sugar, ground pepper, 1 teaspoon of Sichuan pepper oil , 1/2 teaspoon of cooking wine and stir well


Make the three spring treasures minced shrimps into a palm-sized ball, then use your fingers to pat it into a flat cake


Heat the pan and add oil, then fry the shrimp cakes until they turn golden brown on both sides. Next, just get ready to enjoy this delicious dish.


The meals in spring are getting more diversified because of the pan-fried three spring treasures.Let's greet the spring with this dish, enjoying the gifts of nature and the charm of food.

Wang Yining,Guo Huixian,Song Jijin, Liu Yuliang and Zhao Jiayi for Shandian News

闪电新闻记者 王一宁 国慧贤 宋基金 刘玉良 实习生 赵佳依 报道

[责任编辑:王一宁 韩莹 徐红梅 李侠]

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