齐鲁网·闪电新闻8月30日讯 如果给你个采访“全球最赚钱”公司——沙特阿美的高管的机会,你会不会狠狠心动?
If you have a chance to interview an executive from Saudi Aramco, would you grab it?
This time we came to the 5th Qingdao Multinationals Summit. Now we were among over 500 guests from 451 multinational corporations. Their investment stories in China show the increasing charm of China's opening up. We also interviewed CEOs in Shandong to know how the multinationals get win-win cooperation with Shandong.
Multinationals in China: Sharing New Opportunities of Chinese Modernization
闪电新闻记者 耿奇贤
阿语采访及翻译 韩帅 袁梦刚(宁夏广播电视台记者 摄像)
日语采访及翻译 松下直树 张宇
英文审核 宋基金
封面设计 殷爽爽